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segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2018

Technical - Year review and looking forward

Technically wise this year was amazing , in terms of the technologies i had to either deal with or learn.
If i had to do a top 3, no order implicit, i would say:

  • Cisco Kubernetes Solutions - I had the opportunity to attend at WebSummit a presentation on  Cisco Container Platform and i must say it was the one that stuck with me. The way AI and Deep Learning is integrated with the whole platform really left an impression on me.  I recommend you see this video Cisco Artificial Intelligence at Cisco with Kubeflow . Deep learning will be my main learning focus in 2019.

  • SteamPlay - As a Linux user, this is one of those things i always craved for: Seamless integration of Wine and Steam .At this moment in time it is still not perfect, but its future potential is huge, even outside of Linux/SteamOS. In 2019 i am hoping for Stemplay to branch out to MacOS X and to Android based machines. The possibility of running Windows applications on ARM devices is something i feel a lot of people will be looking into, in the not so distant future (hint hint Snapdragon 8cx )

  •  Vulkan - If w« you have either a Nintendo Switch , a MacOS X /IOS machine , a Linux Desktop, Windows Machine, anything else, there is a chance a Vulkan Graphics API driver is available for your machine.  Having a single API to write against is something that cannot be undervalued. Saves you money, time and gives you a much greater user base.
       “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” .

Hardware wise, i have to give it to Apple . My IPad Air is still rocking and the update to  IOS 12 just made it feel brand new.
Updated my desktop PC to a AMD Ryzen platform from an Core i5 - 3rd gen and i am happy. 😀

On the dark side, lays my Android phone Honor 8 for which OTA updates seem to have left me and gone on vacations. It is still a fully usable phone but the lack of security updates and platform updates makes me feel a bit "bah" on a 2 year phone with better specs than an Iphone Xr Compare Apple iPhone XR vs Honor 8 64GB
Have to do my research on terms of updates a bit more next time i buy a phone, or for that matter anything with Android (people talk up Xiaomi and oneplus  in this department)
My wish for 2019 is for a new contender to appear in this space (SailfishOS maybe).

sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2018

Non technical - Year review and looking forward

This year was a slow one , with some big highlights both my private life and professionally .

Having a chance to travel with my future wife this year helped stabilize my life. It is kinda funny how going places, even if they are not very different from your home town, broadens your horizons and makes you feel and notice things you would probably not care about when you come back home.
Had a chance to visit Berlin, amazing city loved it, for a opera show and came back with the German language so stuck on my head that when i landed in Lisbon i had this weird sense that everyone would still speak in German.
Of course i had to start learning the language. That is a must do point for me in 2019.
Also on my birthday i was given the chance to attend the F1 race in Barcelona and for a die hard F1 fan like me it was a experience i will cherish for a long long time. Even if today i look at Formula E with more interest (i love racing and engineering wise electric vehicles are a more daunting project)  than F1, i still wake up  before dawn to watch races. Can't wait for February to see new cars. Let's hope that Williams F1 (more on them a bit below) and Mclaren get up the ladder. Mclaren did that project with OnePlus so let's hope they can "warp charge" their season.
This year my main media comsuption platform was youtube.comDigitalFoundry was my main go to after work. A lot of work goes into their videos and it shows.
Latter on the year i came accross Vin and Sori on a reaction video  (they seem to have exploded on this year) and i must say it was one of my best findings of 2018.
There were some bad moments, the passing of one of my grandmothers, some people who revealed their true self and it was a bad sight.

Professionally still on the same job, however got chances of capitalizing on my knowledge elsewhere also. On 2019 i do plan on expanding that side. The post with more views on this blog was the PDF Signing without Java. and maybe i'll explore a bit more on that side. If there is something related to Java/Javascript that you would like to read about please let me know.
Also been looking into elementaryOS and the way they try to entice developers (you can leave an idea for an app on the comments section).
Also this year had a chance to attend the WebSummit at Lisbon and it was amazing. Saw a lot of tech stuff , i'll keep that for a future post, but was surprised me the most was the applications that Williams has developed for use outside F1. I was like "How come i don't this stuff" - for instance BabyPod .

A long post already, so more technical stuff for next post.
Have a nice entry into the new year.

segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2018

CSV handling in Java

These past days i've been trying to load CSV files in Java. Used opencsv with some degree with success, however some fields were still misinterpreted .
Next an old friend by name of FasterXML/jackson came to the rescue, however i was still having some issues.
Last but not least on (where else) i came across and with something like:




   .iterator(new File(filepath));

I was up and running .

Note : If you find MalformedInputException check if your input is UTF-8 , more info here